If you are experiencing a crisis or urgent medical problem, call 911 or proceed to the nearest emergency room.
Patient And Facility Information
Find an inpatient or outpatient facility near you.
Please note that we comply with The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which established guidelines on releasing information about patients. To learn more about how medical information may be used and disclosed, and how you can access health information, refer to the HIPAA notice of privacy practices.
Do you share our passion for Changing People’s Lives®?
General Business Inquiries
You can contact us for business matters by telephone or email.
PLEASE NOTE: The telephone number and email address below are for business inquiries only. If you are in need of any behavioral health care services please contact the nearest Springstone location or call 911.
Springstone, Inc.
4801 Olympia Park Plaza
Suite 1000
Louisville, KY 40241
Email: info@spsh.com